
Facebook Account Got Restricted! What to Do Next?

Facebook has gone really weird and it’s Banning BMs and Ad accounts for no reason and so marketers need to find a way around!


My personal Facebook account got restricted from accessing my business manager and now I can’t manage any Ad or Page anymore. And the worst thing is… I am the only admin for all Ad Accounts and Pages and I also can’t add other people as admin now. I have already filed an appeal and also sent an email to Facebook support and am still waiting for their reply.

Now I’ve got two questions.

1.) As all my Ad accounts and pages are still working fine can I add a partner and share my business manager assets to that person’s business manager so that I can still use my Ad accounts, page and pixel from there?

2.) If answer for Question 1 is No then what are the things to avoid? Like do I need to use a new laptop, new internet IP and new Credit or Debit card so that I can create a new facebook account and will it need to have a aged facebook account to able to create a business manager so that new business manager will not get any trouble when running an Facebook ad?

Really need a solution here. Thanks!

What to Do when Advertising Access Gets Restricted



You cannot add any partner or user to your business manager or ad manager as it clearly says that you can’t manage advertising assets anymore.

Now, if you know (for sure) that you haven’t done anything that violates FB Ad policies, then ask the FB support team via Live chat and if Live Chat is not available then email them to check your Account manually and activate it back, sometimes they do reactivate the account back and sometimes they don’t. It depends on many factors.

Just make sure that your appeal should be strong and to the point, they do listen and reinstate the account if they find it legit. Sometimes!

Bonus Tip: If you know that you have done something that may have violated Facebook Terms and Conditions then make it sure that in your appeal, you commit that you may have done a mistake and you’re sorry for that and you’ll make it sure that it won’t happen again.

They do listen to this as it simply tells them that you understand the importance of TOS and you will not repeat it in future. It’s a logic not tough to understand.

Some people may laugh at this tip but it has worked for us like charm. They have activated our accounts multiple times by doing this.


Doesn’t matter if they activate your account back or not you don’t need to switch laptop or IP or anything (initially)!

Now don’t judge me on my this statement, I know what I’m saying, very well. Just follow through and you’ll know.

So what should you do now?

Don’t waste your too much time thinking and cursing Facebook for what they have done to you. First and foremost, you need to know that you are not the only person on the earth facing this problem, there are millions of advertisers on Facebook and a vast majority are either going through this or have gone through this. Those who haven’t seen this till now will encounter it sooner or later on the journey.

Just arrange a few aged FB IDs like from your parents, friends, colleagues, employees or partner.

Now just start with any one FB account, create a BM, Create Ad Account and page and start Ads right away.

Now give its full Admin access to another Fb ID you have in stock. Don’t forget to create a few small-budget engagement Ads from those other in-stock Fb IDs to mature them for future use. It will help increase the spending limits of the accounts fast.

Sure, by any means whatsoever this is not the full proof solution but that’s the way it is, right now. Facebook has gone really weird and so We all need to figure out the way to keep the business rolling!

How do I know this will work?

I know and I know very well because we’ve been going through the same problem for almost a year now and while going through this and many other situations, We’re doing a great no. of sales every month. Can’t give an exact no. but knowing $200K+/month will help, I guess.

Sure you need to keep contacting Facebook support for answering and helping but always keep the mature accounts ready if you want to fetch in sales regularly without any trouble.

FB support is not up to the mark so you simply can’t expect timely replies from them and you can’t wait for a restricted account to get active and resume your business.

Also, as they say, don’t keep your all eggs in one basket, if your business is 100% dependent on Facebook then, believe me, you’re not doing business but hope marketing. There are many traffic sources other than Facebook like Google, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, Blogs, Affiliate, Native Ads, and many more. Start exploring them as well.

Don’t be a slave to Facebook!

Hope it will help.

266 replies on “Facebook Account Got Restricted! What to Do Next?”

Is the credit card information need to match the new BM account i have create because i can’t use back my own information so that i can able to add the card into the ad account?

You can use your Credit Card if it is not blocked particularly. Like while entering CC details in the Account if Facebook is not showing you any error like, this payment method is not accepted. You can use your card w/o any problem in FB Ad manager as well as in Business Manager.

No need to worry much about it.

In case it shows any error and doesn’t accept your card, you can ask your bank for a new card which can be a replacement of your existing card, this way you’ll get a new card number and it will work 101%.

Just do it.

I just got my personal account restricted today, and I do Facebook ads for businesses for a living. To your knowledge, if I make a fake profile, I should be able to have my clients add the new profile and move on? I don’t want them to get in trouble, but I also don’t want to be unemployed right now with COVID. On my personal profile, won’t they know it’s not right when the CC is in my banned name? This is so messed up and FB support knows nothing and won’t help.

FB support knows nothing and won’t help – can’t be true more!

It’s all messed up and the Facebook system falls apart, destroying hundreds of thousands of businesses all across the globe!

It’s really sad to know how you are suffering brother, but that’s how it’s going these days.

about using other Facebook profiles, we don’t have any other working method. I strongly suggest diversifying traffic sources.

I got my account restricted it’s a personal account.. For saying World leaders will take advantage of Biden.. Also that Pelosi and Schumer was as much to blame.

I can understand but that’s how mad FB has gone! can’t do anything.

I am facing same issue from last 3 months, wrote a couple of times to fb team. After that I tried from another fb account, once the new BM & Ad acc is created got the same pop up – Your account is restricted.

So I am not agree with your answer!

You can be disagree mam, I’m just sharing my personal experience and point of view here, I’m not guaranteeing anything to anybody.

Hello pls help my Facebook account is restricted and ban from using any Facebook product for advert, pls what can I do??

My personal Facebook account was restricted without reason or I’m not sure that I really done something wrong or not. My page quality is perfect but because of my fb account was restricted permanently I can’t run any ad, this page is the only earning source of mind.
Please can you write a mail for me here? Maybe I could not write it properly, please help me please….

Hi Farhana, this is really not possible at this time, you will have to take care of this by your own.

Mine just was restricted for saying Brooke Logan was a hone wrecking whore…ummm it’s a soap opera group discussing Fridays show

Good evening, can you please assist? I’ve contacted FB support to remove the advertising restriction in December 2020. They responded within 2 days and unrestricted it. I checked again a week later and the account was restricted again even though I didn’t do anything or run any ads. I went through this three times with them unrestricting the account only for it to be restricted in a matter of days without me running any ads. What can I do at this point? Please advise?? It doesn’t seem like they are allowing me to send any more messages.

Thanks, Ayanna!

So same thing here. Personal account disabled. Business manager and ad accounts all in good standing. Suspicious activity, uploaded ID, and not allowed to appeal at all. Not the normal 3x, or 2x, or even once. I can start all over with a new account, new ads, whatever. But what about the business page. It looks like I still have the ability to remove the business page from the business manager. Can I do that, then re-add it in the new BM. I’ve got a brand and followers I would like to keep.

Sure Steve, you can do that, if Facebook allows you to remove your Page for the existing BM then remove it from there and add in the new one.

I am so sick and tired of Facebook, it hurts even more that I have over 100,000 followers and I have spent thousands of dollars promoting my videos and post. The most frustrating thing is their restrictions. I just got restricted for 30 days without any appeal or due course. They are the police, judge and jury. They lock you up in jail and throw away the key regardless of whether you are guilty or not.

They base their decisions on algorithm and searching for keywords. My post was about supporting covid but for some reason they interpreted my post as being negative and spreading lies about it. I was literally telling people how important it is to be vaccinated.

If I did something wrong like I have done in the past, I will accept my punishment but to twist my words then be punished for it and not giving us any outlets to defend ourselves is ridiculous. They are a billion dollar company that treat their customers like crap. I just realized, my business can’t be dependent on their platform that can snatch away your power to make money at any second of the day.

I don’t even know what I did wrong, my post didn’t meet their standards, well which part because at this point I am scared of posting the most basic things. They literally ban you while you are sleeping for something you posted a week ago. If doesn’t matter if the post was from your personal account, every page and group associated to you are also locked out.

Imagine that this is the business that feeds my family, they would stop my income for an entire month. Even if I said something about covid which I didn’t. I can’t imagine what anyone can say about it that will justify such a huge backlash. Getting vaccinated is a choice, people have different opinions about it. Who are they to decide whether I am supportive or not? Why are they inserting themselves in public opinions about various subjects, it’s called freedom of speech.

They need to be sued with a class action, their governance is a tyranny. They rule without being open to any objections. They can afford to respond to people’s requests and they need a support system that actually supports. How can you treat people that have spent thousands of dollars on their platform promoting and advertising like non-entities?

I am so enraged, it’s so unfair and it feels like their is no justice. Nothing is worse than being accused of something you didn’t do and getting severely punished for it without a defense system.

Oh, my man Temmy, I can feel your pain with every word my brother, seriously I have seen many businesses going out of business just because of this unfair system of Facebook. But the reality is their monopoly will break sooner or later and they will have to pay for it BIG time.

I would suggest you explore other traffic sources like TikTok is doing really well for many these days, also Google and YouTube ads are great options, they need optimization but they are stable and long term. Depending on FB only for business is risky like hell!

I hear you well, Temmy! It’s unfair, and injustice without a chance of appeal.

I was restricted today for 30 days. The trigger was a reply I gave to a comment about climate change. Someone had posted a graph attributed to the EPA showing that in the 1930s the earth’s temperature was 5x higher than in the past 20 years. I checked the EPA’s website and the graph was fake. So I screenshot the real graph and replied posting it and the link to the website. I was tagged as spreading misinformation. Go figure.

I was restricted before for 7 days because Facebook’s algorithm can’t understand sarcasm. I had replied sarcastically to my sister about some Qanon BS. The post was on my own wall, and the audience was friends only. I felt violated with this intrusion in my private space. The police can’t search anybody’s place without a warrant, why should they be searching my words in my private space? Im sure I was under some sort of no flight list surveillance program for very dangerous preceding offenses. To be precise, I had been restricted for 24h for using the word dumb replying to an idiot and telling someone else to go back to school instead of impersonating a doctor. Shortly after that I got 3 days for the same type bullying. I believe I had used the word dull on that comment.

So yeh, it doesn’t make sense. You read the posts and the average comments by others and the whole thing about restriction becomes even muddier. It’s truly impossible to know what can and cannot be said. And to make matters worse, once you have the scarlet letter, you are forever on limbo -or hell.

I don’t have a business on Facebook. All I lose is my support network and contact with friends, family and colleagues who are far. So, I will never have any leverage. But I think those who use the platform for income, and are being hurt by the random decisions made by a lousy AI system should definitely sue them. It would have to be a class suit, tho. I’m sure their lawyers would chew and spit the very liver of any individual that tries to make them accountable.

Hi Krishna, I have a question.
My business account has been restricted, I tried to appeal and they rejected my appeal and said this is the final decision, I can’t even do normal post. I have another admin on the page that can post but can’t run ads because the page is restricted. I could like to know if he ask for appeal what are the chances of they reject his ​appeal.

Temmy, you just said everything I wish to express about how Facebook is the biggest Mafia and dictator in the real and digital world! They are happy to take money from people for ads and expect everyone to kneel before their terms, standards and policies based on algorithms. A company making billions of $ but with no customer service that you can actually talk to?! If only I had known before starting my online business that this is how FB treats their users/clients, I wouldn’t have relied on them to help me grow my legitimate business to feed my family. Facebook is heartless! Inhumane! Fraud! And I don’t even know why they are being allowed to operate and run the world?

hey thanks for sharing your insights.

don’t need to switch laptop or IP or anything initially<= what do you mean by 'initially'? You mean if the restriction/ban happens more than once, then switching device and IP is recommended?


Initially means if your few accounts got disabled you don’t need to change your system or IP just in chaos, we never change ours and it doesn’t make any difference. But in case you get a feeling that you need to change these then you can give it a try.

“Now give its full Admin access to another Fb ID you have in stock. Don’t forget to create a few small-budget engagement Ads from those other in-stock Fb IDs to mature them for future use. It will help increase the spending limits of the accounts fast”

Dear Bro, the above details you mentioned; Is it necessary to setup other accounts for a beginner?

My personal account got restricted but the ad accounts are running fine in the background, I just can’t edit them anymore. They asked me to submit an ID for verification but there is no saying how long this could take.

Would I be able to add my friend as an admin in “page roles” and then continue to run ads that way? Do I still need to run small budget tests from their account even though ads are already running? The only change is that we will be making changes and edits through their account as opposed to my personal account. Does that make sense?

When a Facebook Profile is restricted from creating ads, you can do nothing except turning your ads on/off. If Facebook is asking for ID proof to appeal for the restriction then you’ll have to submit it. There is no specific duration of getting an answer from Facebook in this issue. It can take hours to months for getting a response from them.
You can make changes in your Facebook Page settings even if your Facebook profile is restricted from advertising.

My personal ad account and another admins account was disabled due to credit card issue but then I fixed the issue and but they were still disabled so I appealed it and they it was mistake and fixed it so only one account got active again. The other one is still disabled. I had created another account and made it admin. After one of my account was active. I started running an ad and it was running alriy but after few hours my account got restricted along with the new account. They want id so I gave it but like you said I don’t know when thy are gonna verify it.

I don’t have old fb accounts as I didn’t really use Facebook. What can I do now. Should I create another Facebook account and make that one admin and remove all the other accounts?

Creating a new account and using it won’t help much, instead, arrange an old profile from wherever you can and start everything from fresh, don’t use any assets from old profiles.

How can I get my personal Facebook account back I’m restricted 30 days I’m waiting on my appeal Can I get back on any sooner?

how do you resolved ?
im having same problem…
restricted account and saying me to login my online account for master card …..and need a code but im not getting it..:(

Most probably, you aren’t doing anything wrong. It’s Facebook who’s doing it all wrong.

Please I need your help, I’ve tried with my friend’s Facebook accounts, two of them actually, immediately I link these accounts to my instagram, it gets restricted immediately!! Without even running an ad. I’ve also tried creating new Facebook accounts, the same thing happens, once I go to business manager, link my instagram (because I run ads particularly for my instagram) the personal ad account gets restricted immediately 😩😩 Please what can I do?

Try other platforms for your advertising purpose and try working on totally new everything – Laptop, New, Store, Credit Card, address, Phone, email, etc.

Although I haven’t seen any betterment by doing this, some people suggest it works so of course, I think you should try.

After all, it’s business and we should be doing anything that can make it run.

Hey my personal account has been restricted on posting any adds for my business page which is linked to my personal account how can I get around fixing this as Facebook are not helping ! As I’ve done nothing wrong can I add new admins so I can start posting adds again ?

If your Facebook account has been restricted from creating ads, first submit an appeal for the restriction. You can not create any ads or make any changes except turning on/off ads right now. You have to wait for a response to the appeal to do anything further. To prevent this thing in the future, add another admin (Back-up Admin) to your Facebook personal Ad Account or to Facebook Business Manager, to run ads and do other tasks in your Ads Manager.

Hi, I am facing a similar issue. My Facebook account was restricted. I have immediately set up a new Facebook account. Can i run ads from the new FB account?

Hi Krishnan, I have the same problem, I saw in my ads manager that I’ve been restricted from using Facebook products or do any advertisements. I sponsor ads using my Instagram, and I can’t seem to do that now. Do I unlink the Facebook account from my IG and create another one?

Sure, if you can unlink it from your current FB account, you can use it with another account.

Whenever i create business manager my personal account is locked or disabled. i submitted my id verification but i want to know the reason ? what are the condition of facebook if we create a new business manager
And one more thing if i create new profile then facebook account then busijness manager then immediately blocked

i have a business account which is basically my instagram account. which got restricted for no reason and i dont have any more appeals to make. i’ve got another business account under my facebook account with which i have no concern. i never made that account nor i operate. Due to this i’m not able to promote anything on my instagram. please help

My post was paused when trying to boost it, and then says have been restricted.. I tried sendng them appeal msg which they responded that it as been resloved but when i tried, it was till on paused and restricted, i really dont know what to do…

This is insane but yes it happens, even happened with me multiple times.
Al you can do is, send a message in reply that your account isn’t really active and ask them to check back again and reinstate it asap.

Also, I would suggest you have some back-up accounts always ready as Facebook has gove crazy lately and what it does and it says doesn’t make much sense.

They did same thing to me. They restricted me wrongly and reversed the decision and added back my content but left the restriction on. Every way I try to make a report, I get error message “something went wrong. We are working to fix it”. FB is only as good as the people running it and that appears to be an issue.

Hi! On the 27th of October my business manager got restricted. I don’t have any ads rejected in the last 30 days and my page score is 3,6. I’ve immediately appealed, but I’m still waiting for the reply. It’s been more than a week and my case is still open. Is there any way that I can make this process faster?

Try the “Live Chat” option to chat with them directly and raise your concern, Live chat solves the issue pretty fast than usual.
But the issue is they aren’t giving chat option to all ID’s these days.

where do I find the live chat?
My appeal was reviewed and denied. “Decision is final.”
I still do not know what I did???? Any Suggestions would be helpful.

Live Chat can’t help now if the appeal is already denied with a message – “Decision is final.”

Most probably you haven’t done anything wrong Daine, it’s Facebook who’s messed! Almost everybody is going through the same issue these days.

Emailing them won’t help much, you need to file an appeal through the panel they have given.
Another thing you can do it, LIVE CHAT. See if your ID has an option to chat with the Facebook Ads team, it solves the issue fast comparatively.

Hi sir, May I ask you something. My company account got restricted about 3 weeks ago. We were solving problem a lot like report to Facebook and they ask all members to submit the ID card. My boss and colleague got confirmed from Facebook but for me No. In my company page have 3 members, my boss is an admin and owner, my colleague and me. Actually I was added to be an admin by my boss. But I didn’t know why it got restricted because of my own account or company page itself. And will it be my personal account problem or what? Is it possible that my account get restricted if I do something wrong and then it effects to my company page? Anyway how I solved the problem is first my boss kicked me out of the page and then he added my new account Facebook to control the company page but he created an other ad manager to let me boost. it actually works as normal, I can boost with the small amount. And yesterday I got restricted again. And my boss said it maybe my personal account. I maybe did something wrong but honestly I didn’t know. So in this case what should I do. Do I need to report to Facebook again or what? Thanks for your answer. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
If that because of my personal account problem that is why Facebook restricted my company Facebook page, I feel sad and I make them get stuck their business just because of me

I have my personal account restricted to advertise. I appealed 3 times (maximum allowed) and received the same message that Facebook will not reinstate my account. I was with FB chat support on numerous occasions and they said that nothing they can do as this is the final decision from the internal team. I am planning now to use my partner’s facebook profile to continue with advertising. I was reading everywhere that I would need a new IP (VPN service?), new credit card, a different laptop. However, I read here slightly different advice. This sentence confused me: “Doesn’t matter if they activate your account back or not you don’t need to switch laptop or IP or anything initially!” – What do you mean by “initially”? What do you advise me to do in my case? Could you, please, update that the advice you give in your post is still valid to date and relevant for my situation? Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Alana,

By “initially” I meant, if this (account restriction or profile disabling) has happened to you a few times then you don’t need to change anything, especially if this has happened with you for the first time. But if it keeps on happening then sure you can try changing everything as you said above and hope things will go in your favor.

My point is, there is no conclusive evidence at all that guarantees that changing your Laptop, internet, or stuff will solve this issue forever. In my experience, this is happening totally randomly.

We’re using the same system, internet/wi-fi, credit cards, physical address, payment methods for years for our different niche stores and their BMs and Ad accounts, some get restricted within days and some are running smoothly for years.

I would advise you to keep multiple back-up accounts ready for any such time, and also diversify your traffic source from Facebook only to Google, Snapchat, TikTok, and other sources. You don’t need to be a slave to Facebook at all.

My Facebook account was restricted for 30 days, for no apparent reason today. I did nothing wrong & Facebook claim that they don’t have anyone to review my account, due to the pandemic. Because I said that I didn’t agree with there decision,I highly feel that Facebook Target’s African American people for no reason. And I’m not the only African American who feel that way. Can anyone tell me what my next step is? I refuse to wait 30 days, for a miscommunication‼️

Brother, I can understand your feeling and frustration but as they say, don’t keep your all eggs in one basket. Depending only on Facebook for your business is the biggest mistake you can make. Facebook is not that reliable since the beginning.

Facebook has gone really insane for about a year now, it has been doing many things that don’t make any sense at all!

It’s not about African American bro, it’s happening almost everywhere on this planet. It keeps giving nonsense excuses of not having staff for doing the work, on the other hand, they are becoming the richest in the world.

Keep Calm and start using other traffic sources as well and for Facebook, you always need to have back-up accounts ready if you’re seriously serious about your business running with the help of Facebook.

I agree with Mr.Krishan Kumar. He is right dont rely on only Facebook.
We have to work on other thing as well. My clients page got restricted from Advertising and other things as well.

My page is restricted, does this mean I will have to create a new ad account and a new page, or just ad account works? And if have to create a new fab page then I can delink the current page and link the new created page. Am I right?

My advertising is restricted. It’s been a week I have to not got a reply from support team. I’ve lost enough business. How can I get this reinstated asap?

If the only page is restricted then you can simply create a new page and get started with that right away.

If your profile’s advertising access is restricted then you can file an appeal and start building and working on back-up accounts.

Hello people. How can I fix this problem? I saw that many of you have the same problem. Do someone know how to solve this problem. This is the account of my client.


I am having the same issue. My personal account got restricted. I have 4 business add accounts each for one of my business. I am the ONLY admin of all 4 add accounts.

My account was restricted on 6th November. I filed an appeal through LIVE CHAT. Didn’t heard back from them till 14t November. On 14th November in the support ticket, they told me that they reviewed my account and it will stay restricted. I contacted chat support again and after some chat, they told me that the account has been permanently restricted and there is nothing I can do or they can do to reinstate it.

Now, all my 4 businesses rely heavily on facebook marketing (which I know as discussed above shouldn’t bee the case). In 2 years I have spent thousands of dollars and have a huge engaged audience in million (website visitors, facebook page engaged, video viewers) and also adds with majority of them having 5000+ comments.

Now my question based on above background is:

1) Should I lose hope that my account will be reinstated? It will be never be unrestricted?

2) If it will stay restricted permanently, what should I do in that case? I can’t add admins too the add account to run the ads for my business. I have huge engaged audience and amazing ads which I have run for around 2 years to have more than 5000+ comments on them. Will I loose all of them? What should I do now?

Bro, I’m really very sorry to hear this all, this is heartbreaking!!

Answer 1. It’s sad but true that 99.9% chances are those are gone forever.

Answer 2. Again, consider these all very valuable properties expired now.

Believe me brother, I don’t remember the last time I felt this bad writing something. now consider this as a new beginning, be strong, that’s business!

You can connect with me on Facebook @

Stay Strong!

Hey Mr. Krishan Kumar hope u had a great day,
Facebook resticted my business manager from advertising and none of my friends use or have facebook. What should I do ? Would you recommed buying old facebook accounts or business manger accounts ? And for the future how can I prevent getting banned without even violating facebook policies? Its really sad that facebook doesn’t give a damn about us advertisers .

Hi Edwin brother,

That’s really sad that Facebook isn’t giving any valuable support to us advertisers, many friends of mine who had more than 100 employees just a couple of months back are working with 5 or 10 people in the team rest all gone unemployed all of sudden due to this Facebook crisis. Thus is really Heart breaking!

If you don’t have anyone you can take a Facebook Ad account from then sure you can try buying some accounts as the business has to be run no matter what!

Also, I’ll strongly suggest you explore other traffic sources as well. As they say… don’t keep your all eggs in one basket!

This ad account, its ads and some of its advertising assets have been disabled because your Facebook account is restricted from advertising.

showing this what i need to do ???????

How could we appeal? My account is restrictd to post anuthing to sell on facebook maketplace and even on my local groups too 🙁
The listings of my items are still on viewing status since yeserday.

I used two accounts from my phone and they have restricted me from both accounts Same time post the ad of any item to sale.

Please help me out sir Where to Appeal or what to do?

When they restrict they give an option to file an appeal with the restriction message when you click on its notification. If they haven’t given that option to you that means you’re permanently banned and can’t appeal (most probably).

Hello bro, thanks a ton for your insight bro,
but one problem is i have is I don’t have friends (lonely life) and coming to relatives they don’t know what fb account is and in this case please suggest me how to have backup ad accounts and all alone i started ecom journey. please suggest me. what to do.

That’s really sad to know someone is living his life this lonely! but, any way you can create Facebook Ids for your parents, your siblings, your wife, or even yourself. If you’ve some problem with these as well then you can buy Facebook Accounts, BMs those are all available for buying, you just need to do some research and figure it out.

Brother i got all your points. But tell me if i loose the pixel (in case of disabled BM) will it also cause any problem with my marketing? Or marketing doesn’t have any concern with pixel? And also tell me how can i preserve my pixel in other BM. Because i have partnered with some BMs in the past. But whenever my primary BM gets disabled, it stops working on the partnered BM also. And also please give a brief note about IP. I got my 3 ad accounts disabled on the same device & IP. Should i change my IP & device now?

Earlier we were able to use disabled BM pixel data through another profile where it’s got already shared but now Facebook has Stopped this as well, which means if a BM got disabled then it’s Pixel and all data is also gone.

You asked if you lose the pixel will it cause any problem, the answer is… if you were using Pixel data for Retargeting and Remarketing then surely it will cause problems to your business as you can’t reach your audience w/o pixel.

In case you were not using Pixel data for anything then you don’t need to bother much!

My business account restricted. I started using the different profile and created new BM. However, I am not able to spend more than Rs. 450 per day. Pls suggest what to do now?

Keep on spending this amount without any failure in payments and it will be increased gradually. However, these days it’s going up very slow.

Pls how can I submit an appeal,I was also suddenly restricted for no reason and i can’t find a link to submit an appeal.kindly hint me
Thank you very much

My personal account advertising got restricted. And I am the only admin in my pages. I don’t know what went wrong. I haven’t even run any ad yet. How could I possibly violate any rule?

What do I do now? I don’t have any aged Facebook account which I can use. Should I deactivate my current account? Should I make a new personal Facebook account and create an ad account and create new page on the new account and start everything from the scratch?

Is this how it supposed to be?
Everytime Facebook does this, I will have to start from the beginning, is that so?
Please help. I need to know what to do specifically.

Hi Puja, Sorry for the late reply…

You may haven’t violated any rule it’s FB that’s misbehaving since the implementation of AI in its system.

Your question is…

Should I make a new personal Facebook account and create an ad account and create a new page on the new account and start everything from the scratch?

Yes, but still I will recommend you arranging some old profiles, as new profiles are always at high Irish of restriction if it’s created new and Ads got launched with-in a few days.

Is this how it supposed to be?
I know it’s heartbreaking, but that’s what is happening with thousands of marketers around the globe.

Great article. Thanks.

“There are many traffic sources other than Facebook like Google, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, Blogs, Affiliate, Native Ads, and many more. …

Don’t be a slave to Facebook!”

I couldn’t agree more, furthermore, besides money, we should stop contributing our time on such platform with so terrible service.

Exactly, the way Facebook is torturing Advertisers is worst than any humiliation in the present time.

We need to stand on our feet instead of crawling due to Facebook, think long term, build a system, get rid of this FB’s Hope marketing system.

This is all possible, we can do it, just need to plan and work accordingly.

I can’t create new business manager.
I’ve used aged accounts too but still I can access.
Error is you’re “advertising access is restricted”
What I’ve to do know?

This is the exact problem i’m having.

Any message I send to FB in Live Chat will be responded to instantly with a link to support which is not working.

I cant find any email address to FB that will get me in touch with a human.

Any tips?

I’m afraid to tell, Unfortunately, now there is no way to directly contact Facebook – you can’t call, text, email, or otherwise speak to an employee or affiliate of Facebook.

Earlier we used to have Facebook people discussing suggesting Ad strategies for better results so we used to mail them on their mail and they used to reply but now they aren’t taking even emails!

My account has been restricted 2 times and passed review.
A suggestion from my friend, that when opening BM, don’t frequently switch devices or Wifi, it will make our Facebook account suspicious and restricted in advertising.

I tried the method above and indeed my account is safe. Until one day I tried the Facebook ad application on the Playstore for monitoring ads. one month later my Facebook account was restricted again, and now it’s still waiting for a review.

is it true that device and ip affect our account in advertising?

Hi there,

Thanks for the information. Do you have the email address for FB support? I can’t seem to find it online too

Both my personal ad account and business manager are restricted and I’ve tried to request a review and contacting them through the help centre but nothing seems to be working. On top of that live chat is not available to me.

You can’t run ads or manage ad accounts and other advertising assets ) I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY? I JUST CREATE NEW ONE AND FACEBOOK DIRECTLY RESTRICTED FROM ADVERTISING

funny thing is there is still money in my ad account , which is unused, can I withdraw it? can’t see any button for that

So, my Facebook account(let’s say it A1) has been restricted from advertising, which means I can’t manage ad accounts, add people to BM(say BM1) and all that. So, I borrowed my Father’s FB account(say A2) and created a new BM in which I added the page(from the BM1) and I added the Pixel(say P1). My question is: because there is a link between this new BM(say BM2) and the BM1(because it is written under the page that it is owned by BM1), will Facebook know this and restrict A1 as well?


I added P1 and page(from BM1) to BM2, then can I also add the already warmed up ad account from BM1 to BM2??

Hope you understand…


If you use anything from the restricted account or anything from its relation in the new account then the risk for the new account goes higher. You can split-test this and see if it works for you, I personally avoid connecting anything from an old account to the new one.

Yes, it’s always a new beginning this way, but that’s the way which is working for us!

Hi, first of all, I have to say you’re insights, help and responses to everyone is amazing and very much appreciated!
As for the issue i’m facing, I use to run BM that violated (for sure)FB TOC.
A few months after i killed the activity on this BM (and all ads activity), i saw that my BM and personal profile got restricted from advertising.
I deleted all pages that were connected with this BM and planning to appeal following your advice that i understand the importance of TOS and you will not repeat it in future.
Now i have my brother’s account, which already have 2 BMs on it(with minimal past activity). I’m planing to use it with a different payment method. I cleared my cash and cookies and logged to his profile (and from there to his BM) and created another AC. My questions are:
1. Is it safe enough to hop between our profiles(my private one. not for ads) on the same laptop?
2. Is the fact that i’m logged in to his profile for the use of the BM while he’s logged in on the same time from another device/ip, put the whole method in risk (ex: i manage the BM from one ip and he’s using IG from another)?
Thanks again for your patience!

Hi Krishan Kumar,

It looks you have a huge experience… and give good advices. I saw you reply even multiple times to same questions…

My question is really a weird problem. Same as above Facebook personal account restricted from advertising after 10 years advertising using I think 13 years my personal account with uploading more than 3000 pictures all around the wold…

Ok now I create from same computer on other browser a new Facebook personal account. Got Restricted. after creating the BM.

Ok did again new gmail account new phone number and again new account. All good but when I try creating a BM again restricted…

I just create the account don’t upload any pictures don’t do anything created right ahead the BM… is that the problem? Do I need to make the account looks real like Ading friends pictures make some checkins? And if yes how much of this effort just to have a backup personal account?

Thank you so much

Yes, you need to make it a 100% legit Facebook profile like a really genuine and old one. Still, I don’t think it will be easy with the newly created account, I would suggest using someone else’s old FB account. We’re working like this and it’s working very well for us.

Hi,bro! my Business Manager was hacked,and the hacker created fake BM,and ads account,with this case make me disable for create new ads account or BM.
MY question is that:
Why when I create new Facebook account and start create new BM,But still not allowe to create BM on my new FB accoun, kindly reply,thanks!

Again,bro!in my country is that very important to run business due all most users in my country use FB more than other platforms.
Most of them don’t know,no’t use other platforms,they use only FB,so FB is big problem,but my right to use Facebook ads DOWN, wanna cry!

I read every answer…thank you for the information.
Just clarifying…If I use another aged Facebook account and then setup a BM account for it, can I still use the ‘pages’ I had setup under my restricted account or do I need to recreate this as well? Much appreciated

Hi Marie, you need to recreate pages as well, you cannot share access of any page or anything from a restricted account.

Hey Krishan! Thank you so much for your time to help so many of us here. Did you have any problems with linking your old Facebook pages or Instagrams to accounts that were banned in the past? I want to use my Instagram for new ad accounts but I’m a little scared they are tracking it and flagging the new ad accounts. Any experience around this?

Hey Brain, I would suggest not using any FB page or IG account from the banned account to the new Ad account.

We’ve personally seen, a new account without the connection to old disabled accounts stay longer!

Hi Krishan Kumar. Thanks for your help. You give a lot of value here. Hard to find good tips about this problem. Is it necessary to get a verified BM or unverified can work also?

Unverified can also work, but Verified has many advantages over unverified. If you have the option to use any they must go with verified.

In case you don’t have verified BM yet, get started with unverified and while working parallelly apply for verification of your BM.

My account just got restricted
Because I go against Facebook law pls help me
Now my account has been restricted for 3 days

Hi Krishan! Firstly great respect for you to discussing issues at length! Respect bro.

So in brief, for Ad account disabled, I should use some Old genuine FB ID of friends/family, and create BM from those account and make multiple admin access. So basically when my Ad account for banned, that has nothing to do with my Insta page right? Or can new BM IDs get banned just after linking with my Insta account? If this is the case, even new BMs wont help. Please suggest.

Also Im small business owner, tried to contact you over FB messenger by name Gaurav Singh, please revert. Much thanks buddy!

You can surely use your old IG page with new BM but I would suggest going with a new one, avoiding any relation with old banned stuff is recommended.

I want to submit appeal for my blocked add account but cannot got conformation code in my mail ID after multiple attempts. There is no way to solve issue and even complain facebook for same.


since live chat isnt available you mentioned to email facebook manually. what is the email? i’ve been appealing my case for so long and my facebook account on business manager is restricted and I havent even started to advertise yet

thank you

They used to assign a manager for support and through them, we were able to contact Facebook through email earlier, now I’m sorry to tell you they don’t care, anymore! At least that’s what it looks like!

I broke some advertising rules by advertising CBD oil.. I was added as a manager to their business/ad account. I have other Business Ad Accounts that I run for a company and it banned my personal profile and ALL of my ad accounts, not just that one. When you say “can simply create a new page” what do you mean? A new Facebook personal profile? Then have them add me as admin and then create a new BM account from there? Thanks so much for your help and thorough explanations!

I said – “can simply create a new page” if only the page is restricted but in your case, your profile got restricted and it’s a totally different scenario!

Now you need to create a new BM from another Facebook profile and start working for that other company from that as if your account got restricted for a real reason it has almost no chance of coming back, in case that comes back you’re blessed.

Hey Brooke – I was just wondering what will happen they have stopped me running ads on my fb page — cbd but its not been deleted or shut down so to speak.

Thanks for this – very very useful as not a lot of resources are on this! I have some further questions if you don’t mind.

1) It’s been a couple of months since publications, so just want to confirm, you still suggested that
– new laptop
– IP (VPN)
– internet connection

Is not necessary?

I started running ads years ago so not even sure how the current new set-up would look like, I assume you can run ads from person ad account or create a business/business manager.

2) When we start to run low cost ads from a new profile (e.g. a family member) do you suggest to create business or just use the personal profile?

3) My FB pages have been managed by the business manager. I guess it will be required to create a new page (and IG profile) right? Alternatively, if it’s not required, it’s probably better to create a new page?

Thanks again!


1. If you can easily afford New Laptop, Internet, etc then you should try it, frankly speaking, we personally haven’t seen any difference using new these things.

2. Creating a Business Manager is suggested because using BM has many advantages that personal profile Ad accounts don’t have.

3. Yes, you will be required to create a new page (and IG profile) as you can’t share access of any page or account from a restricted BM with other active/New BM.

My account has been restricted for 30 days
Pls I understand that I violated the rules and regulations that guide Facebook

Pls help me to retrieve my account

I can’t post nor comment again for complete 30 days

Thank you for your usual understanding

I create a business manager recently in old fb account, i create a ad account. And after some times when i returned in my bm it shows your business ad account is restricted.
When i try to make a appeal they asked for verified the business at first. I cant select the others option until i verified my bm. Its really mess. A complete mess. So Sad 😭

Yeah that’s true Facebook BM verification just to see an account getting banned is really heart breaking.

Hello. Thanks for sharing.. do you know which email address can send manual request and how long will it takes to get replied?

They used to assign a manager for support and through them, we were able to contact Facebook through email earlier, now I’m sorry to tell you they don’t care anymore!

Hey! Great article.

You mentioned emailing Facebook if the Live Chat isn’t available.

My personal account is restricted and the live chat is not available to me, what’s the email address to use for facebook? Thanks!

Hi Geoff, actually the thing is they used to assign a manager for support and through them, we were able to contact Facebook through email earlier, now I’m sorry to tell you they don’t care anymore!

Hey bro, one of my friends does have the ability to chat with Facebook support, but he was never related to any of my business accounts.

My question is, will Facebook review my Account restriction if he asks them for me on a live chat?

I know it sounds absurde, but I’m out of any other good ideas right now!

Hello! Very useful article but it still hasn’t made me understand… I haven’t posted any ads at all, nor done anything I could think of that violated their policy! they restricted my FB ads account and it asked me to upload my ID, so I uploaded my ID to them, do you know what’s gonna happen next? Will they activate my account again? How long do I have to wait to get a reply?
Also I won’t be able to view my account quality, when I log in to view account quality, the page is all blank! Why is this happening?
Is there a chance I can get my fb ads account activate again? Please let me know your opinions! Thank you 🙏

There is always a chance in this kind of situation but I would suggest not waiting for that mercy, move on with another account, if in the future that account comes back you can use that as well or we’re already moving ahead…

Great, great article.

I’ve got the same problem as everyone above. I just found my BM about a month ago and didn’t even run any ads yet, and suddenly it got restricted the whole. I made an appeal and they responsed that’s a final decision ??? -_-

But I want to ask you that FB rule was not creating 2 accounts of one person, they told that if they found out, they shut down completely the 2 accounts. But we still can build another account, create BM and fine by their rule?

Well, that’s debatable but my answer is… Yes, because Facebook itself isn’t following the rules currently, it’s all messed up, and being a business owner one should do anything that can help the business running. Other people’s opinions about this may differ, this is my personal thinking!

Hi, my fb account was restricted and I have taken the account of a member of my family.
Should I register as an employee in her business manager? or advertise directly from his account?

You can advertise directly from his account. Also, if you can start with his personal Ad account and then create BM a few days later.

You stated above to email them since I am not able to chat. What is the email? and/or how can I plead my case which involves , below is more background

We are a family owned business selling jewelry in the Chicagoland area as well as a little across the United States through Shopify, and we really want to do whatever you believe needs to be done to get our account back up and running by the time new Facebook and Shopify integration begins next week. Our Facebook page is Jewelsden1, instagram is jewelsdenjewelry and website is

We noticed that there were ads placed under a Ad Manager Account called “Jewels Den – New” that there were Ads placed in Feb/March 2020 under a campaign called “Likes” for some other website with the “Audience” being Men in Hungary 18-65. This is not even close to our target Audience of Women in Chicago, Illinois USA. What do we need to correct this? We just added Secondary Authentication as there must have been a hack. I have attached a screen capture from our ads manager showing what might be the source of the issue.

Also, looking at our account, we did make some posts in our local marketplace that we had no intentions of the posts being cancelled. We also will do whatever it takes to correct this which included reading over the policy, though not exactly sure what we did incorrectly.

Any help on what you can do or what we can do to correct this, would help.

I can totally understand your feeling Julie but there’s very little we can do about FB disabling accounts, sadly we cannot email them anymore, all we can do is just appeal to reinstate the account that too in reply to the message sent by Facebook about disabling and a link provided with that to post an appeal. Best of Luck!

Hi Julie, My business account was restricted, no matter how hard I tried, it’s permanently restricted now.
Recently, I tried again, but by verifying the personal ads account by submitting the ID. Facebook then released my personal account. From there, I ADD a new business account -> create a new Ads Account.
I have done this for a week, not start running Ads again yet. But they do not restrict my personal account and the new Ads Account again. Finger cross!
If there is someone else also an Admin of the page, you can try to run Ads using the new Facebook interface for the individual account. I haven’t tried yet, but I am sure it won’t be at the advanced level compared to Business Facebook. Otherwise, just tried to verify your personal account and try following steps slowly. If we take action quickly, they will state “We recognize unusal activities …” Your account might be blocked again.
I hope this will help you

I’m not sure who can help with this but my FB ads manager and instagram accounts were restricted from advertising. I am now using a new ads account page and I am running ads through FB with no problem. The instagram account is linked to the new fb page but I am still restricted from promoting on IG. Does anyone know why this is or what to do? Seems odd I can run through FB now but not the IG – thank you!

Hello, Facebook ad noob here. I created a Facebook account at the end of January and did nothing with it for two weeks. Yesterday I created a Facebook manager account and it got instantly restricted from advertising. I literally didn’t do anything with it. So I started an appeal but chickened out because they wanted me to upload a picture of my passport.

I don’t want to upload it, just in case they blacklist me from ever making a Facebook account because from what I understand is, people, get banned a lot on Facebook ads, but my understanding is that you only need to answer a few questions about your business and give your card information and you’re done, so when you get banned, you just make a new email, change the name for your business and that’s it. But if I send my identity, they can blacklist that, and then I’m done forever. and since I started the appeal, I only got 29 days left to finish it. What do I do?

Should I just make a new account, if so, can I use the same name for the ads manager?

I wanted to make the account so I can add a pixel to my Shopify store, and run ads on IG (through influencers), and build up info and money and then move on to Facebook ads.

One last question, about if credit cards getting blacklisted, because my friend got banned on Facebook twice and he just changed the email and used the same card, and he was ok.

Sorry for too many questions, I’m just a noob.

Vadim, first of all, you can upload your docs for identity verification, they don’t blacklist anybody.

Yes, you can use the same name for your new Ad account, We haven’t seen any issue with that.

Prefer using a new replaced Credit card at the place of a blacklisted card.


Hi, really appreciate your work Mr. Krishan Kumar. I learned a lot from reading all here.
I have the same problem. One of my Business Managers was restricted permanently. Therefore I created another Business Manager from the same FB profile since we can create 2 BMs from 1 FB profile.
I ran ads more than 2 weeks from new BM and it worked really well. But now that new account too has been restricted. I went through the review process but they ask me to verify my BM to go to the next step. But I can not verify the BM since I do not have a website. They don’t allow me to go to the next step without filling the website URL.
What can I do for this? I can not send even e review because of the BM verification. Really appreciate your suggest

Thanks in Advance

Hi, i wondered if anyone can help!?
ive recently set up a facebook business page i didnt have a personal FB page so i just set up a blank personal page so i could get a business page.
anyway today i tried to post an ad and now ive been restricted from ads.
its not the end of the world but im worried my business page will be deleted and ive worked hard to build a following. will this happen or will it just be i cant post ads in the future.

Also i have unlinked my facebook and instagram accounts so im assuming this wont affect my instagram?
appreciate any help. Thank you

You’re restricted means you can’t post ads unless they lift the restriction.
It won’t affect Instagram if you haven’t used it in ads.

Hi, my personal profile just got restricted. I can still share my pixel and page to any other personal profile/bm/ad account, shall I do it? My BM and ad account haven’t been banned/restricted, just my personal account.

No, don’t do it. My personal account got restricted but I was still able to share the pixel with my other accounts and they got disabled as well even though I made new ads and a new domain. So from my understanding if you are restricted as a user, you are restricted from making ads in general meaning that you technically should not be using Facebook as a platform to advertise any more. At this point, you can still make new accounts but they will quickly get disabled again for being new and “suspicious activity.” At this point, FB will ask you to verify your identity and here is where you will lose because they will see that you have two accounts running while bein restricted as a user and that is a violation of their community policies. so the best thing to do when you are restricted as a user, is to leave anything that belongs to that account. alone.
Remember that you are not supposed to be advertising on FB if you are restricted as an user so if you want to advertise again, you will need a fresh, new identity, starting with a FB account that can be verified (with ID and email) and a fresh new pixel and sometimes a new domain (depending on the reason of restriction). Remember not to link anything from the “infected” account or else everything new gets infected. Log out of all your old account and clear you browser cache and cookies.
Hope this helped guys! I am going through it now myself and I am slowly building new accounts to built trust with FB before making any drastic moves and flagging the system.

The same things work differently for different people, it’s all matter of testing for yourself personally.

Hi! It seems like you have fairly extensive experience setting up new accounts, since you’ve mentioned that you’ve had multiple personal accounts restricted from advertising. About what percentage of the personal accounts are you seeing banned? Since I’m a social media manager, I’m trying to get a feel for how many back ups I need to have and how much risk I’m carrying currently. Thanks so much

We’ve noticed personal accounts get marginally less banned as compared to BM Ad accounts, but recently Facebook is trying to kill personal Accounts as they’re making new policies every day to keep ads running from BMs only.


That’s really a pitty to know, it’s unbelievable how Facebook is ruining businesses and properties people built-in years!

Hello, reading this was helpful.
I need your advice. I am a social media marketing student and I’ve just noticed that I’ve been restricted from using my Business Manager on 21st Feb 2021, because my private account has been restricted due to a meme I posted back in 2018 in a Facebook group study during my University years.
I am just starting to learn how to use the Ad platform and I feel like my carreer has been stopped from the beginning.
I can’t click any review button to send to FB. I can’t contact them in anyway possible, neither via live chat or email because here in Italy these options are not available.
I’ve searched in every corner of the platform for a direct contact information but nothing.
I do not know what to do.
Any advice?

Hi, have couple of questions:
1. If ad account got deactivated and for appeal, it is asking for business verification in that case what should we do? Should we go for business verification? Will it guarantee for non-deactivation in future?
2. For using new profile, should we need to use another computer/laptop, IP and credit card?
3. Can we use two different Facebook profiles to run ads for same GST?
4. To run ads for two different websites using different profiles but with same GST, do we need to use different computer, IP and credit card?
5. What is best practice to use the same laptop to access different profiles that are running ads for the same GST.

Thanks, Tony

Hi Tony, here are the answers to your questions…

Ans 1. Yes, you should go for business verification. But doesn’t guarantee non-deactivation in the future.
Ans 2. No.
Ans 3. Yes.
Ans 4. No.
Ans 5. You can use it normally, it works fine. In case you get a feeling that this thing is creating an issue for you then you can use apps like Multi-login for accessing multiple Facebook profiles on the one PC.

My page was restricted for God knows what reason, so I created a new page.I want to ask can I merge my new page with the old restricted page so that I get all the likes of the old page?. FB not giving the option of the restricted page in merge option

You cannot, Facebook will not allow merging those 2 pages, and if you even get successful it will be always at HUGE risk.

Hi Krishan,
We had our business manager account restricted and our ad account disabled. FB didn’t allow them after our appeal, so now we are stuck. You said to use another FB account and create BM, AD account and page, but since we already have a FB page and FB shop (they are not restricted) and engagement there, can we transfer the page to that new FB account or we have to start from zero there as well? Our shopify store is running and we still get an order or two from genuine traffic, but without being able to advertise on social media is painful. Do you have any further advise?

You can try migrating your page and shop to the new account, most probably it won’t create any issue. Just in case you see any kind of negative thing happening with your new account due to old pages and shop, shift to another new account and start everything from scratch.

Hi, as we need to run our business on Facebook, we use different profiles to create BM. Appreciate if you address the following questions:

1. Do we need to use different computers/laptops to access different BMs using different profiles?
2. In order to avail the GST input, we need to add the GST details in ad accounts. Will Facebook not track that its the same businesses that are running through different BMs using different profiles?
3. When Facebook deactivates the Business Manger, it sometimes ask for the business verification before the appeal. Is It advisable to verify the Business Manager? This has been asked because there are another ad accounts that are running with the same business details(GST details) in another BMs using different profiles. This could consider as violations… pls suggest


Ans 1.
We use multiple BM, profiles, and Ad accounts from our same system and haven’t seen any issue with that BUT some people say they experienced issues bcoz of it so it’s a matter of luck and testing for everybody. You can test the same by using 2 BM in one system and the other BM in another system, see if you feel any difference, also let us know about your experience.

Ans 2.
Facebook can track, but as of now, it’s making any issues whatsoever due to using the same company or GST.

Yes, you must verify the BM if given an option and do whatever it takes to get a BM verified. If you get successful it’s great news, as verified properties are much more stable than others.

Your question was..
Will Facebook not track that it’s the same businesses that are running through different BMs using different profiles?

And I said,

Facebook can surely track that it’s the same businesses that are running through different BMs using different profiles but it is not creating any issue due to this point as of now.

I think I answered neatly.

My facebook account got restricted and it won’t allow me to manage my instagram ads. If I link my credit card to a paypal account would that work ? Because they are not accepting payments from my original credit card.

You can try, logically it must work but bcoz FB has gone a Lil insane don’t know what will happen in reality.

I was creating a Facebook page and they restricted my ads account though it was neither completed nor published. I don’t know how and where I have made the violation but they restricted the account. After that I requested for account review, on that FB displayed that you have 30 days for the account review otherwise your ads account will be permanently restricted. I started the process of account review where Facebook asking for an email and stating that code has been sent to the given email ID but I never received any code and now that days has been lapsed. I kept trying and sent many emails but all are in vain. Now today I received a displayed message that 30 days have been lapsed and your account is permanently restricted and this is our final decision. In such case please advice what to do as I am very much disappointed because of this act.

Really heartbreaking to know this pain my man, but that’s what going on all around the globe these days with FB marketers.

That’s why I suggest always keeping back-up accounts ready and also use other platforms for advertisement services.

Thanks for putting this together,
Recently received a full advertising restriction from drop shipping ads that I haven’t ran in 2 years! the page had terrible reviews which is what triggered it,

I recently signed up 2 social media clients for Facebook ads and right now I am in a very vulnerable position as I have left my job to go all in,

If I was to use a new business manager on a family members account under a new company with a new company card would I experience any issues?

Would my clients be able to ad this new account to do work on their business manager? if you could point me in any direction even a paid consultation would be great.


Hi Adam,

See using a new BM on Friends or families account is obviously a secondary option which we’re using in case of no other option. Now your question is would you experience any issue in this case? And I can only say nothing is guaranteed when you’re working with Facebook, it may get disabled the very next day and it may work fine for years. No-one knows what’s the theory behind this but that’s what FB is doing these days.

Yes, your client will be able to add this new account to do work on their business manager.

Good day khrish , hope your doing great , been following up on your thread and it’s been really helpful , iv recently encountered inadequacies of my own recently , I have had about 5 of my personal Facebook accounts restricted by facebook , the latest was last night after I created an advert post , I was about boost it when my account got restricted for no apparent reason , but I have got another old facebook account right now but before I get right to using it , I want to know your opinion , there is this page I am managing for a client , I’ve had my accounts restricted each time I try creating ads on the page , I’ve only succeeded twice , do you advice I still use the latest account to create more ads on the page , remember the client has paid for the ads already …this stuff with Facebook restrictions is crazy and annoying

You must talk to your client and explain the scenario and ask him to allow you for running ads for his business using a new page. It might be possible that the old page is in eyes of Facebook’s devil bot!

Hi Krishan
I am reaching out on same issue as anyone else. My actual Page was restricted, not the ad account. I have asked for review but haven’t heard back yet. My question is can I create other personal Facebook and connect same Page to it without loosing content?
Thank you

You can try, most probably you will be able to do this as well BUT I won’t suggest doing this, as it will always have a high risk to get the new account disabled.

Good day khrish , hope your doing great, I have a problem on my Facebook accounts and Page are restricted, the latest was last night after I created an advert post and I was about boost it when my account got restricted for no apparent reason. I want to know your reason why this happen what i did wrong to happen? and how i fix it?

Sincerely yours
Jamea Casilang

Most probably you did not do anything wrong, it’s Facebook that’s spoiled.
All u can do is an appeal or you can use another Fb account or other platforms for ur business.

I’m really sorry to tell you this but that’s how FB is making everyone’s life miserable.

Hi Krishan,
i am glad i found your site and that see that you try your best to help people here. So I may want to ask a question as well:

In 2020 i started a Business which requires using FB ads. I set everything up legally and verified my BM with my legal Business documents. I only run ad only for 2 months in Summer 2020 and some ads got rejected, but nothing to worry I think.

Now, in April 2021 i wanted to run ads again, but saw that my personal ad account was restricted. I filled out a review and after 3 hours fb responded that my personal ad account was restricted permanently – final decision.

Long Story, i don’t have many hops in getting back my ad account soon. I am fully committed, so i am willing to invest in new laptop, new internet, new everything if necessary. i can create fb account with my brother details on the new devices. But how can i verify his bm again using my legal documents ?

If i understand the situation correctly, my verified business manager ist not restricted, but i can access it because my personal ad acount is permantly restricted. As I am the only admin for the business manager i have no change to work with it again, right ? That’s why you recommend adding a backup admin in the future?

Thank you very much!! BR, Klaus

Hey man Klaus, yes you got it absolutely right, now you won’t be able to access that BM!

But I would suggest you not go for a new Laptop and all, you can use your brother’s account on your Laptop, we do this all the time and don’t see any issue because of this thing, sure some people tell that this makes a difference but I personally never felt it.

In case your newly created account also gets Banned or Restricted then you can try with a new system.

Sorry, I know this is not a solid solution but that’s the way it is these days.

Hope for the Best.

i had the same problem : Ily Vienneau
Account Restricted
• Apr 26, 2020
You’re not allowed to use Facebook Products to advertise. This is because you didn’t comply with one or more of our Advertising Policies or other standards, such as having too many ads rejected, attempting to circumvent our ad review process, participating in fraudulent behavior, or associating with untrustworthy accounts.
I cant even find the way to contact you guys know how? i follow all the comments on google , but cant find the contact email.

You didn’t find the contact email because Facebook doesn’t provide any support via emails or Phone calls. You can only file an appeal and hope for the best.

Exactly who do I need to email to try and get my page from being unrestricted! Facebook literally just gave me a 30 day restriction! And 2 days later I make a comment and get restricted again! I already made a case with the over sight board! Exactly who would I need to email ??

You cannot email anybody, Facebook is not providing email support anymore, you can file an appeal or chat with them, also the chat option is not available in all profiles, so you need to find an account that has the option to chat and discuss your matter through that.

I know it’s frustrating, but it’s how it is!

Facebook doesn’t provide email support anymore (or at least currently), you can only Live Chat with them to get some small issues resolved like payment failures!

live chat isn’t working where i can contact Facebook please let me know
as i put it in review but it taken 2 days and my account is restricted and i want to know one thing more that can i get paid even if my account is restricted by fb ads or fb audience as i have one more admin of that page please help me with all that questions .
thank you

If Live Chat isn’t available in your account, you can check for the same in other profiles from which Ads are running like a friend’s profile and use their Live Chat option to chat with FB support, they will ask for your Ad account ID provide yours and ask your concerns.


You can file a strong appeal only. And max Live Chat with them to check your account on priority but it rarely helps.

Hi, it really helped. But if I may asked, my Facebook account and the associated page was restricted from running ads. And the worst scenario is that I’ve gone through their process, and yet it’s not working. They say I must confirm my identity before requesting a review. And the confirmation is through an email code they gonna send, but there message isn’t reaching my email address. I am overly flabbergasted right now. I even made a tweak in my email many times but it couldn’t work.

I’m really sorry to hear this Daniel, but this is the thing hundreds of people going through worldwide every day!

Go to and pay someone to “lend” you their fb account to run ads. If the FB pages didn’t get restricted then simply add this freelancer as a page *moderator* and that will be enough for “him” to run ads from “his (your new) ad account”. Consider using a new payment method just in case. If you want to be extra “paranoid” then you may create a new fb page also. I’ve been doing this for 2 years now.

My Facebook accounts was restricted one month without warning or no reason. I never post sexual contents and any violation posts. I just post and comments funny words with my friends. But Facebook restricted my account several times. This is not fair. Facebook is so racists on non NLD party supporters in Myanmar. This is not fair. Shame on you Facebook to Spybook.

My account got restricted from adverstising but my ad accounts are all active. I am the only admin as if now. I have another facebook profile which is 1 year old but without any posts. Can I make myself admin again using that profile?

This is not possible technically, a restricted user cannot add any new Admin to the Ad accounts. So basically now you can On & Off your running ads only.

Don’t forget to submit a strong appeal to Facebook for giving you access to advertising back. Live chat with them, it can be useful.

Hello great advice on here!
My ads accounts are restricted. I started new profile, new acct, new card, new page can I add my blocked fb personal account as an admin to create page posts and share content????

Also I didn’t use VPN will that cause problems?

Thank you 🙂

facebook restricted my ad account without warning and without any policies break and its 3 day of my business startup.
Its make me very sad.😥😥😔😔

It’s a sad story for someone who’s new and every day’s story for people who’re in this for some time now.

Got my BM restricted and I am the only admin. I’ve been spending 1lacs/ month since last 2 years.. Reason for restriction is unknown.. They won’t even let me appeal.. there’s no freaking appeal button for me!! can you believe it?

Customer support has no clue of what’s going on.. they want to close the chat as soon as possible..

I just have one thing to say, what I’ve realized from this incident is that one cannot rely on Facebook for living.. absolutely not!!

That being said, you cannot rely on any online marketing platform. I am switching back to cold calling and cold emailing..

Thank you Facebook for showing me this.. Never ever again!

Man this is disappointing to see people getting mentally tortured, I hope you’ll get the better ways soon.

I recently got restricted on Facebook for sharing false information that I didn’t know was false. They haven’t banned me, but they’re ” moving my posts lower in the newsfeed”??? I tried to see why. They gave me dates but won’t show me the posts that offended them. How can I correct the problem, when I have no idea what I did wrong? Can’t they punish the person who created the post? How am I supposed to know it’s false information? I don’t have a fact checking team.

Sadly you cannot get that amount back from Facebook. They are very pathetic with service, just looting in this case from hundreds and thousands of people.

My ad account got restricted more than 10 times, i appeal then they take 24-48 hrs and reactivate it . This loop is going since 4 months

I am just frustated.

Krishan, as you said we can take aged facebook accounts of our friends or family and make a new bm and then make new ad accounts

But can we use the same pixel of the disabled ad account by removing it from the old one and adding in the new ad account?

Also i have taken my friend’s fb account and created a new bm on his id
Now i have created an ad account so can i give access of his id’s ad account to my bm in which the old ad account is restricted.

Also the same facebook page, instagram acc & domain can be used to run ads in my friend’s ad account.

Would be gratefull if you could clear my doubts and briefly explain me this.


Suggested is to not share anything of new account with the old one, it’s better to keep them totally separate. Sharing assets or permission can increase the chances of reoccurring of the same problem.

I know it’s super frustrating but this is what it is. Many people are facing thing problem for ages literally.

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