
Suicidal ignorance of eCom Entrepreneurs

9 out of 10 eCommerce Entrepreneurs are committing this Suicidal Mistake! You are from the group of 1 or 9?

So many.. yes, so many people doing e-commerce business ignore this one of the most (if not the most) important factor in their Business and this is Suicidal!

Almost 9 out of every 10 eCom entrepreneurs do something very similar to…

Create a few Ad campaigns in Facebook Ad Manager and pray for sales. A few Sales come in and they launch more new campaigns. Sale notifications start buzzing more frequently. And they rush to create more ads to get more sales and more profit!

And the process just keeps repeating. This process is called Active Marketing. And that’s what most probably even you’re doing right now!

Ok doesn’t matter if you’re doing it or not just keep following, it’s worth it.

This article is going to be an eye-opener. If you do eCom and/or anyone in your knowledge belongs to this Game of Selling online and making money, it’s your duty to tell them about this piece of information.

Why? Because it has power to change the whole F*king Game up to 360 Degree.

They need to know their biggest mistake. They need to know something they’re completely ignoring right now is Suicidal AF.

And that’s the ignorance of not making eCom store a Fully-functional eCommerce Store.

What is a Fully Functional e-Commerce Store? 

A fully functional eCommerce website is a store which takes advantage of all the resources, audience, the traffic they have.

3 Tips for a fully-functional e-commerce Store.

  • Active Marketing – Any way you get a potential consumer to your website. 

As I said above, 90% of eCom marketers use this method to run their Online Selling business, they try as hard as they can to get people to buy from their Shopify shop. Their practices include but not limited to… 

  • Fb Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Referral traffic
  • Organic Traffic (SEO, Reddit, Forums, Instagram, FB: Pages & Groups and all other means)

They do all sorts of stuff they can possibly do to get people to their store. And until here, everything is fine. Everybody does and should do this stuff for their business. But what happens next is the problem.

What happens next? they do it again, and then again, and then again and again.

Get people to store anyhow and sell them some stuff and they look for more people to visit their store and lend some profit.

That’s it. That’s their whole business model.

And this should not be like this. There are two very important Marketing methods you’re ignoring and you clearly should not be.

Those almost always Ignored yet Most important Marketing methods are…

  • Proactive Marketing – Ways once a person becomes a customer, you increase conversion rates.

Ok, so How to do Proactive marketing? Good question, here are some recommended strategies for Proactive Marketing.

  • Reviews
  • Sense of Urgency
  • Sticky banners with specific offers, drives an impulse purchase
  • Pop up offers
  • Live chat

Just to name a few. In case you feel like you need more, just ask me.

  • Reactive Marketing – Once a prospect or customer leaves your website, retargeting them through numerous touchpoints.

At a minimum you should be doing…

  • FB/IG Retargeting Campaigns and DPA ads
  • 3 Step Automated email Abandoned cart series
  • Abandoned recovery Text messages
  • 2-3 step FB messenger ATC series

These are a few basics that every store should have.

You need ALL 3 marketing strategies in place to have a fully functional e-commerce store.

Don’t throw your money away for sending traffic to your website if you don’t have a good proactive or reactive strategy in place.

Checkout: Facts to Know Before Getting into eCom Business

Even though this article is written by keeping eCommerce in mind, this vital knowledge can be profitable to everybody into any form of digital marketing, if done right.

Hope you liked this. You can find more great eCommerce and Digital Marketing stuff in the Game of Selling Library.

I encourage you to write to me with any questions or comments you may have about this article and any eCommerce subject. I kinda feel happy to engage with people with a brain. You can reach me via the comment box below, also you can connect with me on Facebook and email, details available on About me Page.

See ya.

3 replies on “Suicidal ignorance of eCom Entrepreneurs”

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Will be Greatful.
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